Observatory System Overview


The VSSEC radio telescope was commissioned in 2020 and is located in Tallarook State Forest on the property of Ian Christie.

Observatory System

The Observatory system is made up of the following components:

· Radio telescope unit (including the dish antenna, feedhorn, mount, pier)

· Receiver & control modules

· PC unit

· Control shed

· Weather station & monitoring unit

· Observation cameras

· Telecommunications antenna & system

· Solar power system

· RadioUniversePRO software system

· Teamviewer remote access to the site PC

Much of the telescope’s capabilities and specific user instructions can be found in the below documents, but this page provides details on the design intent of the Observatory site.

Key Manufacturer Documents:

Spider300A White Paper.pdf

Spider 300A Whitepaper

Includes performance specifications and other general data


Installation & Maintenance Manual

RadioUniversePRO-user-manual v1 6 1.pdf

RadioUniversePro Manual

Note this is for v1.6.1
VSSEC currently uses v1.5

Control shed

The Control shed houses the PC, receiver units, batteries, switchboard, power outlets and some ancillary items.

It sits on a large granite boulder. The intent is that is sufficient to draw heat from the control shed (especially in summer). Wintertime performance is not known as at 30 March 2021 (note the batteries experience poor performance during cold conditions)

Contained in the shed are other items, including duct-tape, a fire blanket and a fire extinguisher.

Solar Power System


The remote power system is made up of the following components:

  • 12 x 330 watt solar panels, Ground Mounted 10/25 yr warranty

  • 48 volt 1600 VA pure sine wave inverter

  • 2 x MPPT Solar charge controller

  • 210Ah C100 48 volt gel battery bank 10 kWh 7.5kWh useable C10 8kWh 5.8kWh useable [note: battery performance degrades at low temperatures!]

  • Switchboard with 3 double powerpoints in the shed

  • Earth stake near switchboard (just near the panels)

  • Earth stake at Telescope (used as part of lightening protection for the telescope)

Live Monitoring

Live power monitoring for the site is found here: VRM Portal - Victron Energy

System Operation Explanation

The system is designed to be in continuous operation, however, see the below video & image description of the main board. Note much of the power system wiring is wound through zinc rings to reduce radio interference with the telescope.

Power System Explanation.mp4

Electrical Power Systems Description

Installing electrician explains the power system

Powerboard overview

Certificate of Electrical Safety:

Certificate of Electrical Safety.pdf

Telecommunications Antenna

The Observatory is connected by use of a mobile router, connected to a Telco XPOL MIMO Panel Antenna to amplify the signal.

A monthly, 50GB mobile account is active with Telstra - see Vicky for further account info if required.

The antenna is pointed towards the ROUND HILL Telstra tower. This is based on advice from a desktop survey - see below for the report.
